No lure is more
powerful than running water to a desert dweller, and Sycamore Canyon
in the Pajarita Wilderness, snugged up against the Arizona-Mexico
border, is one among a handful of perennial streams in Southern
Arizona. Located in the Atascosa Mountains, a range wild enough to
make the short list as a Mexican gray wolf reintroduction site, the
Pajarita Wilderness, although small, is a magical place. Here is just one view of this amazing area:

Our friends, Dick
and Gaila, who were staying at a special boondocking site near
Patagonia, Arizona, told us about the hike to Sycamore Canyon and
invited us to join them. We offered to drive, and so we picked them
up at their campsite and continued south on AZ 82 to Nogales, where
we were supposed to turn north on I-19. Somehow, we got turned
around and headed south and unwittingly crossed the border. We
started getting suspicious when the highway signs said “15”
instead of “19,” but we never realized that we had crossed the
border into Mexico.
We found what looked
like our trailhead, piled out, put on our packs, and headed out into
the desert. We had a wonderful hike. Here's a photo of Kathy and Gaila at the trailhead:
We hiked through beautiful, ever-changing scenery. This is a photo of Dick, Kathy and Gaila on the trail:
Our total hike was
about 5 miles, and, as we returned to the truck, we were all agreed
that we needed to find a good place for some cold beers and good
Just as we started
to pull out of the trailhead parking, five Mexican soldiers in a
green army truck flagged us down and signaled us to stop, which we
did. They came over to the truck, carrying weapons, and told us that
our truck was suspicious and matched the description of a truck that
had been used recently to transport marijuana across the border into
the U.S. They had been given the description of the truck from U.S.
Customs and Border Protection, and it matched ours perfectly.
They ordered us out
of the truck and took us over to sit near their truck while they
inspected Great White. Soon, two of them returned to us carrying
three packages. Each was about 5 inches high and 20 inches wide. They
said the packets of drugs were attached to the seat bottoms with
metal hooks. They showed us photos they said they had just taken of
the underside of the truck seat with the packets attached.
We told them this
couldn't be possible, explaining what we had been doing so far today,
but they didn't believe us. We told them we wanted a lawyer, and
they said that could be arranged. About an hour later, a lawyer
drove up, met with us, heard the story, looked at the soldiers'
photos, and took us aside to give us some advice. He said that if we
wanted to be released today, we had to plead guilty. We protested
that we were innocent and would not plead guilty. He told us that if
we didn't want to go to jail, one alternative was to bribe the judge.
We looked at each other in disbelief. We asked him how much and he
said, $1,000.
Neither Dick and
Gaila nor we had any money like that handy. We tried to think who we
knew that might have access to a bank and might be within a day or
two driving distance from us. The only people we could think of were
George and Nan, friends of all of us. Gaila tried to call Nan and
Kathy tried to call George, but there was no answer. Gaila and Kathy
tried to send texts, but we got some sort of message saying that the
network wouldn't let us send international texts.
By this time, we
were really getting desperate. We had just about given up on any
idea how to avoid jail, and the soldiers were getting pretty
insistent that it was time to go with them, when a man drove by in a
BMW, saw us and our truck and the soldiers. He stopped, backed up,
rolled down his window, and asked if there was a problem. He looked
vaguely familiar to Dick and Gaila, but we were completely distracted
by our problem and none of us had time to think about who this Good
Samaritan was. We told him our story and asked if there was any way
he might be able to help us get to a U.S. bank to withdraw $1,000.
To our astonishment,
he pulled out his wallet, turned to the lawyer, and handed the lawyer
1,000 U.S. Dollars! We couldn't believe our eyes. He said to the
lawyer, “Well, if this is what needs to be done, please go do it.”
Our lawyer politely
excused himself, hopped in his car, and headed down the dusty road,
disappearing around the curve. Only then did we start talking with
our kind gentlemen enough to realize that it was actually Adam
Sandler – the movie star! He said that he has a home in the Tucson
foothills and had been out for a drive this afternoon and happened to
see us. We thanked him profusely and swore to him that, as soon as
the soldiers let us, we would drive straight back to Tucson, where
our RV is camped, and withdraw enough money to repay him. He said
that would be quite fine.
About an hour after
leaving, the lawyer returned with an official looking paper that he
handed to one of the soldiers. After the soldier read it, he waved
the lawyer off, the soldiers climbed back into their truck, and they
drove off. Our lawyer came over to us and informed us that we were
free to go, but that we should not stay in Mexico any longer than
absolutely necessary. We told him he didn't have to tell us twice.
We climbed into the truck.
We suggested Adam
follow us in his car, which he agreed to do. It didn't take us long
to find a Bank of America, where Dave ran in and withdrew the money
to repay Adam Sandler. Dick and Dave made arrangements for Dick to
reimburse David half of the “bail” money when we get to
Quartzsite in January.
We were saying our
goodbyes to Adam when he suddenly said, “You know, I was planning
to head over and have dinner at the Silver Saddle. Why don't you
join me? We can have a beer and a couple of laughs over this. My
David was a bit
reluctant, but Gaila insisted, “Come on, you guys! A chance to
hang out and share a beer with Adam Sandler. This is a
once-in-a-lifetime chance!” Kathy and Dick agreed, so David
relented. We let Adam lead the way back up Highway 83 into Tucson
and over the Benson Highway to the Silver Saddle Steakhouse. We each
had a huge steak meal and must have spent several hours learning all
about Adam's latest film projects. We even got a photo of Adam and the Silver Saddle waitress!
As we walked out of
the restaurant after dinner, Adam suddenly laughed, and said, “You
know, this reminds me of the lyrics to “Lawyers, Guns and Money.”
He suddenly broke out in song:
the innocent bystander
I got stuck
the rock and the hard place
I'm down on my luck
I'm down on my luck
I'm down on my luck
I'm hiding in Nogales
a desperate man
lawyers, guns and money
shit has hit the fan
We finally waved
goodbye and drove our separate ways around 10pm, sure that no one
would believe this wild yarn of our outing with Dick and Gaila.
We never did find
out why George and Nan didn't pick up their phones.