Monday, January 27, 2020

Solar, Ruby and More in Quartzsite

Hey, it's 2020!  We're back in the USA.  We picked up little Ruby Kitten from Auntie Darla in Riverside and returned to our RV, which is camped in Quartzsite, Arizona.

We woke up bright and early on January 6, and Ruby showed Kathy that she was ready to tackle whatever we threw her way:

As it turned out, we had planned to do an upgrade to the solar system on our RV, and David has to drive the motorhome over to get the new equipment.  No problem.  Kathy and Ruby hung out at the campground while David went solar:

We had our upgrade work done at Solar Bill's, on Main Street in Quartzsite:

On the roof, we added a 250 Watt solar panel to our existing 160 Watt panel, for 410 Watts of surging solar!

More importantly, we upgraded our batteries to 300 Amp-hours of 12-volt power, from 124 Amp-hours -- nearly 2.5 times as much energy to power our rig!  We felt confident that we would be able to deal with our upcoming 2-week boondock at Boomerville, and, as the sun set that day, we fell asleep peacefully:

The next morning, the cats woke up to a new reality.  Ruby shared a nibble and a drink with Baxter --

-- and then played peek-a-boo with Flip over the head of Boomer the Stuffed Dashboard Dog:

On Saturday, January 11, after a few days of logistics, such as cleaning, grocery shopping, and such, we repaired over to the local park to enjoy some music, dancing and barbeque chicken sandwiches --

-- as we anticipated the coming two weeks of fun and frolic with our full-time Escapee Boomer RV friends.

Bring it on!

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