Monday, January 27, 2020

Hanging Around Yangon

Well, what can we say about hanging around in Yangon with Matt, Weina and William?  It was everything we hoped for.  It included dinners in exquisite Yangon restaurants --

-- and exciting time watching Christmas videos with William:

Nothing was quite as tasty as Matt's smoked barbeque:

In between, we enjoyed lots of Lego construction --

 -- and learning about computers and programming:

Weina and Matt and William were wonderful hosts and introduced us to the BEST restaurants!

We even went swimming, playing Marco Polo and Monkey in the Middle with William, and competed in several bowling tournaments with the whole family!

Matt and Weina found some out-of-the-way rooftop restaurants for us to enjoy:

And, before Christmas, we even enjoyed making and cooking jiaozi!

There were TWO best-ball foursome outings at a beautiful Yangon golf course.  Our caddies were kind enough to model their Philadelphia jerseys for us!

On December 30, we enjoyed an Eagles football game --

-- and, on New Years Eve, we even had some fireworks at the American Club!

It was all so exhausting.  As we waited in the airport to board our flight home, David reminisced about the fun times we had while Kathy listened raptly:

Before we knew it, we would be landing back in Los Angeles and picking our little Ruby Kitten up from Auntie Darla.  Join us in our next blog entries for further adventures in 2020.

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