Sunday, August 7, 2016

Eddie and George Wake Up (Late Again) in Fort Nelson, BC

While we were out today, Eddie and George finally struggled out of bed and wandered down the Alaska Highway, next door to our campground, where they found the Fort Nelson Heritage Museum:

This is an offbeat collection of detritus from the 1942-1943 construction of the Alaska Highway.  Luckily, the boys overheard someone recommend to us that we stop here and see the video on the road project.  It was well worth seeing.  You can see in the photo below that the boys were transfixed.   At least we think it was with the video and not with the Alaskan grizzly over the TV monitor.

One thing the Fort Nelson Heritage Museum can be truly proud of is their classic car collection.  This is an entire barn full of classic cars, all in their original condition, kept spiffy and (from the looks of some of them) in operating condition.  We would have liked to spend more time there, but the boys kept us out far too long and Baxter kept calling us on the cell phone asking when we'd be home to let him out for his afternoon constitutional.

Tomorrow, it's on to Sikanni River!

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