Saturday, August 6, 2016

Driving to Ft. Nelson...Don't Forget the Cinnamon Buns!

On Friday, August 5, 2016, we regretfully left Liard Hot Springs and drove south and east along the Alaska Highway to Ft. Nelson, British Columbia.  This was one of the most scenic drives we've had - and that's saying a lot, because we've had many.

We retraced our drive of the previous day, but with trailer, past Muncho Lake.  The weather this day was much clearer than the day before, so we stopped again at the viewpoint to snap this photo of the lustrous blue-green lake.  British Columbia likes to think that Muncho Lake ranks with Alberta's Lake Louise as the two most beautiful lakes in Canada.  We don't think we agree.  We have never seen anything to match Lake Louise, with its powder blue waters, so still in the morning that they reflect the surrounding peaks, and all those peaks and glaciers behind it.  And, as far as #2 goes, we think that Emerald Lake, in the Yukon, is at least as gorgeous as Muncho Lake for their blue-green colors.  But this is splitting hairs; Muncho Lake is just plain gorgeous.

Kathy caught this reflective photo of the lake as we drove along the north shore:

Wildlife was abundant and varied on this drive, one of the most diverse sets we've seen.  Our first sighting was a male bison, who slowed his roadside pace to allow us to get a good shot of him:

Our next subject was a little less cooperative.  This bull moose was facing us as we approached, but by the time we got the camera out, he was showing us his favorite side:

On this drive, we crossed the summit of the Northern Rockies.  Situated there is beautiful Summit Lake, a beautiful little glacial tarn with a campground and kayak launch that was so picturesque, we've given ourselves a reminder that we must camp there if (when!) we return this way.  The photo below shows the lake from nearby Summit Peak Trail:

Just before we reached Summit Lake, we turned a sharp corner on a winding section of the highway and were surprised to come upon these two Stone Sheep - a ewe and lamb.  Luckily, we were moving slowly, so we were able to stop in time.  We crept by them and wished them well on their very dangeous journey down the Alaska Highway.

Oh, yes, and let's turn to take one last look at Junior:

That was it for wildlife, but it was not the end of the adventure!  Driving down out of the mountains into the Tetsa River Valley, we had to make a stop at Tetsa River Lodge - "The Cinnamon Bun Centre of the Galactic Cluster"!  And indeed it is.  Here's what the lodge looks like from the parking area behind the lodge...

...and here's what their absolutely scrumptious cinnamon buns look like:

Not wishing to sin overmuch, we shared one.  But Kathy is the source of all temptation and came back to the truck with a total of FOUR - one to share, another one for "maybe later," and two to freeze for one of those long, rainy days when we're stuck inside and looking for a tasty diversion.

As we made this drive, we kept bumping into a Maine couple driving out of Alaska in their truck camper.  We stopped and chatted at one of the many viewpoints along the highway, and it turned out we are staying at the same campground here in Ft. Nelson.  After we had arrived and set up, we were enjoying Camp TV during Happy Hour when they walked over to chat again.  We asked them if they had stopped to sample the best cinnamon buns in the galactic cluster, and they said no, unfortunately they didn't see anywhere to park and drove by, even though they had wanted to try them.  We simply could not conceive how someone who had been informed about the best cinnamon buns in the galactic cluster could possibly fly by without figuring out some way to stop.  So we took human pity on them and offered them one of ours.

We noticed that they accepted it without hesitation.  We know they won't regret it.

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