Friday, September 20, 2013

Surfing, Sailing, Walking, Blogging

Hi Blog!  Today is Friday, September 20th.  We sort of took the day off yesterday.  Dave is still recovering from the cold bug we both caught while in Bend.  His snuffles just keep hanging on.  All the while, Kathy's back is still giving her troubles, so a rest day was called for.  We just couldn't bring ourselves to blog about backing up computer files and cleaning out drawers and lining them with self paper.  Stuff like that is just not blog worthy.

This morning, we sort of got to a slow start.  Here Dave is demonstrating how to use two laptops, a kindle and the Iphone all at the same time.  (The third laptop is Kathy's.)

We needed to find out when the next America's Cup Race was going to be held.  Did you know there's an App for that! While our internet is not strong enough to stream the video of the race, the App gives you second-by-second stats of the race with a graphic showing where each boat is on the course.  Needless to say, our hearts go out to our Kiwi family as the New Zealand boat was unable to win the cup today.  We decided that as much as we want to follow the race, we don't want to jinx them any further.  We'll just wait until the race results are published.  Besides, it was pretty weird to sit and stare at the Iphone for two hours straight.

With most of the afternoon gone and weather moving in, we decided a short walk was in order.  We had passed the trailhead for the Teal-n-Horse Lake Loop on our bicycle ride the other day and decided to walk over and investigate the loop trails.  Here we are back at Teal Lake.  With the cloud cover, you don't see the same color green that we saw when we originally stopped at Teal Lake.

Horse Lake was only a 1/4 mile away.  The lakes are so similar, it is hard to tell one from the other.

There is Mount Bailey off in the distance.  We can begin to see the clouds darken and the wind picked up.  It is time to head back to camp.

We did complete the loop around Horse Lake and Teal Lake.  We didn't see another soul on our six mile hike.  We did see the tail lights of one car pulling out of the trailhead parking area.  Otherwise, we had the place to ourselves.  Our only company was the trees and birds.  Here is one particularly burly fellow we passed on our trek.

We arrived back in camp just in time to get our camp chairs away before the sprinkles started.  Sorry, Baxter, Happy Hour is going to be inside the rig tonight.  No chasing birdies and chipmunks.  We'll play a little laser pointer to get your yayas out.  Until tomorrow.....

1 comment:

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