Saturday, September 21, 2013

Not Much Going On...

Today is Saturday, and it's rainy, and we knew from the forecast it would be so.  Mount Thielsen is covered with a dusting of snow from last night's rain.  We saw it this morning as we took our coffee walk, but David didn't have his camera, and we weren't in a good position to get a snapshot of it.  Now the mountain's peak is shrouded in clouds and we can't see it at all, so, unfortunately, there is no snowy peak photo to post yet.

David still has a cold, and Kathy is still nursing her sore back and leg.  So we're paring back our ambitions today.

Baxter still goes outside, although his walks are shorter in the rain and colder weather.  Here's a photo of him, with the rig and a half-empty campground in the background:

It's late in the season, too, and the campground will be closing October 7, so it is slowly emptying out. Only the hardy remain.

Today we think we'll work on figuring out how to lighten our backpacks, so that they don't weigh quite so heavily on our backs.

We'll probably catch the America's Cup races with play-by-play on the iPhone.  We can't get TV at this campground, and the internet is too weak to stream, so although the races are broadcast, we can't get them.  However, the play-by-play is quite good, with the audio from the broadcast, and a schematic showing the locations and speeds of the two boats.

Fall is definitely in the air.  Yellow and orange leaves are starting to litter the paths.  That early morning nip in the air never quite leaves.  The air is damp with anticipation of the first snow, and we hope to be heading south before that prophecy is fulfilled.

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