Sunday, August 11, 2013

What Goes Up Must Come Down

Hi Blog.  Today is Sunday. We started the day by bibbling around the RV.  Just before lunch, we took off on our bikes to see what we could see.  The Beaverhead Valley is over 5,500 square miles, so there's a lot to see. Our campground sits on Montana Highway 278, which leads into the Beaverhead-Deer Lodge National Forrest.  We'd watch people drive by with their campers, ATVs and fishing boats wondering where they went. While the area surrounding the campground appears flat, we soon discovered it is a very, very slow incline up into the foothills.  We pedaled past farm after farm.  After about seven miles of uphill pedaling, we decided it was time for lunch.

This little white donkey was not impressed with our cycling.  He let out the loudest most obnoxious braying as we went past.  We determined that his owner keeps him around as a "guard donkey."

Folks around here don't get rid of anything.  They just put it in their yards and use it as decoration.

That white line just kept going and going.  Luckily for us, this part of the ride was all downhill.

We stopped to say high to some of the locals.

Running a ranch up here in the high country takes a lot of water.  All of the fields have to be watered.  This farmer has a wealth of water resources.

Home sweet home!

We were hoping to go fishing this evening, but the daily thunderstorms are going to keep us inside.

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