Monday, August 12, 2013

Just Putt(er)ing Around

We had a chance during this stay in Dillon to do a little golfing.  There is a nice little 9-hole course just on the other side of town, so on Saturday we dropped over to the course, hit a big bucket of balls on the driving range, and practiced our pitching and putting.  Then, bright and early this morning, we played 9 holes.  We would have liked to play 18, but we decided that we need to knock a little rust off before challenging a full 18 holes.

We came away with scores of . . .

. . . well, let's just say that, as rounds of golf go, this was good practice.  The things we will brag about are that almost all of our shots were pretty straight, and we didn't lose any golf balls.

The course was built in 1999, so many of the trees are young.  There is not an overabundance of bunkers, and only a small stream and a couple tiny man-made ponds as water hazards, so, all told, the natural hazards weren't very significant.  But the tees, fairways and greens were in excellent condition.

Here's Kathy demonstrating the right way to follow through when you've properly addressed the ball:

She decided that the best way to make herself keep her eye on the ball is to look it in the eyes when she's addressing it, and to speak directly to it as she swings.  Seemed to work for her.

We had a little friendly competition and ended within 1 shot of each other.  Doesn't matter who won, as much as that we are pretty well matched in ability.

To celebrate a return to the golf circuit, we adjourned to Sparky's Garage, a local eatery with a reputation for good food, for a little lunch:

Sparky's Garage is just across the street from the campus of the University of Montana - Western, so we walked off our lunch by strolling through the campus.  It was empty - between summer and fall sessions - but we enjoyed the greenery and the campus architecture:

We even spotted several little black flop-eared friends - as Kathy says, "a plethora of bunnies."  We speculated they might have been someone's pets, particularly because we don't think that black bunnies start wild - and because the bunny in this photo didn't seem particularly frightened of us.

We're back at the RV now, feeling particularly sleepy after our morning exercise and our healthy lunch.  We've got some chores and logistics to get through, hoping to go fishing tonight if the thunderstorms will hold off.  Tune in to the next blog to find out if we succeeded.

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