Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Eddie & George Wake Up at Emerald Beach

Eddie:  Thank you for the coffee, George.

George:  No problem, man.

Eddie:  What time is it?

George:  7:30 in the morning.

Eddie:  WHAT????  I never get up before 8:00.  What happened?

George:  We changed time zones.  Now we're in the Central Time Zone and we fell back an hour.

Eddie:  That hurts.  I could have slept an extra hour.  I'm getting really confused.  We just sprang forward a week or two ago, and now we're falling back.  So now I don't know where I am, and I don't know what time it is.

George:  Sort of makes you feel like Julio down by the schoolyard, ay?

Eddie:  What's this "ay" thing?

George:  Well, I've been spending a lot of time with the Michiganders and Canadians who winter over down here, and that's the way they say it.  So I figure, that makes sense, ay?

Eddie:  Whatever.

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