Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Walk to Navarre Beach

Hey Blog!  Today is Wednesday.  The first day of Spring.  You would never know it here in Florida.  We woke up today to very cold, windy, cloudy, damp and smoky weather.  There are several forest fires nearby sending smoke our way.  It was too cold to kayak or bike, so we decided to do a little walking.  We can see the Navarre Beach Bridge from our campground.  We did the mapquest.  It was only 2.7 miles to the beach.  So, we packed a day pack and began our trek.  Here's the view from the top of the causeway looking down onto Navarre Beach.

At the bottom of the bridge, we stopped to fortify ourselves with a couple of Pina Coladas!  There were  lots of spring breakers playing beach volleyball.  No matter how much they drank, they couldn't stop shivering from the cold.  It really wasn't a beach day, but they were not going to be denied!

There is a fishing pier in Navarre Beach that goes out into the Gulf of Mexico.  Dave got caught on it.

There are loads of condos on this tiny little barrier island.  Because of the weather, the beach was almost empty.  The Gulf looked particularly green today.

All of the fishermen have custom cooler carts loaded with several fishing poles, tackle boxes, nets and coolers.  It is all about how cool is your cooler cart.

By the time we got back to camp it was Happy Hour.  The sun had finally burned through all the haze and we were treated to a little blue sky.  It was still chilly, so the fleece jackets weren't far away.  Here is Kathy resting her tired tootsies while enjoying a another pina colada!

We are looking forward to getting our bikes out tomorrow.

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