Thursday, February 7, 2013

Singing in the Rain

Hey Blog.  On Wednesday, February 6th we experienced our first Florida downpour.  One minute it was sunny, the next it rained cats and dogs. We didn't realize that when we booked our campsite, we were actually getting water-front property. As you can see, the water came up to the front our rig.  Others in the campground were not so lucky.  There were a few folks completely surrounded by water.  There were a lot of camp rugs being dried out today.

By later afternoon, the sun came out for good, so we took a walk around camp.  Over by the marina, one fisherman was cleaning his fish.  The pelicans were happy to help him get rid of the scraps.

With all the rain, most folks were stuck inside all day.  Here is one guy taking his dogs for a walk.

Actually, he was taking them out in the bay.  The black and white collie loved it.  The brown and white collie kept looking back toward the shore.  You could just tell that this was not his idea of fun.

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