Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Eddie and George Wake Up Without Jane in Big Pine Key

Eddie:  Where's Jane?

George:  She went back to the U.K.

Eddie:  What's a U.K.?

George:  It's not a what, Eddie.  It is a where.  You know, United Kingdom - England, Scotland, Wales and Norther Ireland.

Eddie:  Well, that explains it.

George:  Explains what?

Eddie:  Why she talked funny.

George:  Jane does not talk funny.  In fact, she uses very proper English.

Eddie:  If you say so, George.  I miss her.  She liked to sleep in.

George:  I miss her, too.  She was always up for an adventure.

Eddie:  I hope she comes back.  Do you think she'll send us some of those really cool pictures she took with that big honking camera she had?

George:  I am sure she will.

Eddie:  Bye, Jane.  Hope to see you really soon.

George:  Safe travels.

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