Friday, June 8, 2012

Hangin' Out

Today we had a wonderful visit with Risa and Laird at our campground, followed by dinner in Schenectady.  We were up early to get everything ready, and started our day off with a 40 minute bike ride.  We broke out the large cabana (protection against the mosquito hordes), and Kathy made up some lunch fixin's.

We spent the afternoon just chatting, having a beer or two, munching and playing Chuckluk.  This time Risa and David were winners!  Our newfangled butane-based mosquito repellent machine kept the bugs away, and the entire afternoon was pleasant.  Sometime after 6:00 pm, the skies threatened, so we pulled down the cabana to keep it dry and made plans for dinner.

Risa drove us into Schenectady and we dined at Van Dyck restaurant, on Union Street.  We had found it on an earlier trip into town.  All of us had yummy dishes, topped off with evil desserts.

Plans tomorrow are for us to drive into Albany and share the day with them at an arts festival.

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