Thursday, June 7, 2012

Berry Berry Delicious!

Hi Blog.  Not far from our campground is a you-pick strawberry farm. While we didn't pick them ourselves, they were just picked this morning. Can you say - Strawberry Short Cake with whipped cream!

We spent most of today doing chores - emptying the holding tanks, post office, grocery shopping, trip planning and cutting strawberries. We did have some time to wonder around camp. Bumped into a couple from Michigan - Katrina, Patrick and their two Rotweillers - Diego and Brooklyn. We also ran into another couple who attended the Escapees Acres Rally in Merion, North Carolina - Eric and Ginny. They are also new full timers. It is fun to compare notes.

Some of the campers have agility dogs. We were taking to Dave and Ann, who have a pair of border collies.  Another couple had a pair of standard poodles. They set up an agility course for the dogs to practice on. It was a lot of fun watching the puppies run the course. They are so enthusiastic.

Laird and Risa are coming over tomorrow for lunch, so I have to get back to cutting strawberries.

Bye for now.


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