Thursday, April 4, 2024

Sabinal Wild Hog Festival and Craft Fair

 Saturday, March 30, 2024

Hi Blog!

After seven years of planning, we finally made it to Uvalde, Texas, for the 2024 Great American Solar Eclipse. We left Mathis on Wednesday, March 27th and made our way around San Antonio. On the way out Highway 90 West, we passed the small town of Sabinal. The town had a large sign advertising the 33rd Annual Sabinal Wild Hog Festival and Craft Fair the following weekend. After a little research, we learned the Hog Festival (a/k/a pig catching contest) was sponsored by the Lion Clubs to help raise funds for community projects. In addition, the craft fairs allows local vendors an opportunity to show off their wares.

We started with the craft fair. We didn’t get very far. A woman from Kerrville was selling solar eclipse t-shirts. The next booth over, the local girls basketball team had a dunk tank. We each took turns throwing bean bags at the target. Dave took pity on the “dunkee” and missed the mark. Kathy, on the other hand, didn’t hesitate to make a big splash.

It was a little early for lunch, but we made note of the various food vendors surrounding the craft fair.

By the time we arrived at the arena, the competitions were well under way. Unlike the Berryville, Virginia Greased Pig Competition Kathy had participated in her younger days, this competition was based on teams of two. The heats were timed. The teams with the best times won gold, silver and bronze belt buckles. When Kathy had competed in her pig catching competition years ago, all the participants (and pigs) were let loose at the same time. The winner with the fastest “catch” won the competition and got to keep the pig. Unfortunately, Kathy's friend Deb wouldn't let her put the pig in her Jeep, so Kathy had to sell her prize to the local farmer.

Another big difference in the two events:  these kids were running round a small grass enclosure. When Kathy competed, the pigs were let loose on a huge muddy tractor pull track in front of a grandstand. These kids barely got their jeans dirty; Kathy and her competitors were completely covered in mud.

One thing that appeared to be the same was proportionality:  small pigs for small kids. bigger pigs for bigger kids. No pigs were harmed while we watched. However, two kids did get a little scratch on their legs.

The Little Mr. and Miss Piggy Royalty weren’t sure what all the fuss was about.

At the end of the first heat, the belt buckles were awarded.

As it was getting close to lunch time, we returned to the Craft Fair to pick our favorite lunch items. We ended up sharing a BBQ brisket loaded baked potato and barbacoa tacos.

I almost forgot to mentioned the neon sign guy. He was the first guy we ran into as we entered the Craft Fair. We are now proud owners of a Jeep sign for our new house!

As the eclipse gets closer, there will be more fun events so stay tuned.

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