Thursday, May 18, 2023

Crossing to Newfoundland 2023

Monday, May 15, 2023

Hi Blog! 

Our last day in Nova Scotia dawned bright and early.  We had a ferry to catch. No time to waste. We set a land speed record for the fastest pack-up in our RV history. We were on the road by 7:30 a.m. There were several construction projects and detours to contend with, but we made it to North Sydney in plenty of time. Once we crossed the bridge, we were home free.

We got checked in and received our reserved seat assignments. There were only a couple other small RVs ahead of us. The ferry folks gave us our own lane! We had a front row seat for all the comings and goings as the cargo trailers were loaded on the ferry. Below, Flip is thoroughly entertained.

We carefully (and I mean extremely carefully) drove our RV with Jeep attached into the bowels of the boat. We were surrounded by big rigs on all sides. To say there was only an inch clearance between us and the truck next to us would be an understatement. While there may not have been a lot of tourist traffic, the trucks and trailers were stacked end to end.

Goodbye North Sydney Harbour! We’ll be back in September.

We watched the Cape Breton Highlands shrink into the distance.

Our first glimpse of Newfoundland. No wonder they called it “The Rock!”

Port-aux-Basque, Newfoundland:

Buster and Dusty were quickly tucked in at the Grand Codroy RV Camping Park, although at the late hour of 7:30 pm because our ferry arrived in Newfoundland at 6:45 pm. This park is one of the prettiest parks in all of Newfoundland. 

We have a couple days here to rest, relax and explore. More adventures to come, so stay tuned.

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