Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Walking the Lumber River to the Back Swamp

"Let's walk out the Nature Trail to the Lumber River," Kathy said.  

Call it a sixth sense -- we donned our crawfish boots (purchased in Abbeville Louisiana in March 2020 for a crawfish adventure):

Here we are at the start of the Nature Trail.  The Lumber River is in the background:

It looked very pretty and we grew excited for our anticipated adventure:

We came across some puddles, but of course we had our crawfish boots.  David demonstrated the correct "Singing in the Rain" technique:

Wait.  It got wetter.  David said, "This is no nature trail."  Kathy responded, "Water is nature, too!"

We finally splashed through to a spot where our branch of the Lumber River met another branch, forming a huge westland called, "Back Swamp."  Some nature-lover thought it would be a good idea (or a good joke) to put a picnic table out in the middle of the water.  David demonstrated the right way to enjoy the moment:

And this was the view from the picnic bench:

A big rainstorm is due to hit us here in Lumberton, North Carolina tomorrow and Thursday.  We can't imagine what the walk will look like after the storm passes through.  But -- Hey! -- it might be a good opportunity for us to rehearse that "Singing in the Rain" scene again.

See you then.

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