Friday, July 30, 2021

Camp Sharktooth - Wells, Maine - Moody's Beach Edition

Thursday, July 15, 2021 was our first full day in Wells.  We were camped at Moody's Beach Campground -- which is something of a misnomer because there was no beach, and the campground had nothing to do with Moody.  However, the campground offered a free shuttle over to Moody's Beach, and we took an opportunity to hop over and see what we could see.

The shuttle dropped us off inside a barrier island, at a public parking area, with a sign telling us that we could take a wooden footbridge to "Footbridge Beach."

Why not?

We stopped halfway across the bridge to get a look at Ogunquit River, which empties into the Atlantic Ocean south of Footbridge Beach in Ogunquit:

We were expecting a wild and scenic, remote beach.


William expressed the dismay we all had when we saw the crowds who were massing at the beach:

Nevertheless, we took a walk along the beach.  Here, YeYe and William are pondering the meaning of the Universe (Hint:  It's "42".):

We crossed the dunes to do some beachcombing along Ogunquit River:

We found some rocks with cute little, round barnacles --

-- and a pigeon guarding the sand dune fence --

-- and immigrants crossing the Ogunquit River to freedom on Footbridge Beach:

William spotted what looked like seagull prints on the sand, but THEY WERE HUGE!  They seemed to big to belong to any seagull we had ever seen.  They were as big as William's feet, which are not small:

We also uncovered a crab hiding from the drying sun under a conveniently hollow rock:

It wasn't long before we had made our way back to our footbridge --

-- where we started back to the parking area to look for our shuttle driver, Mr. Perkins, whose family has lived in the area for generations:

This was a pretty mellow introduction to our new home.  When we got back to our campsite, we prepared for our first campfire dinner, complete with S'Mores!

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