Sunday, July 11, 2021

At Least We Got Blueberries

 You can't always get what you want

You can't always get what you want

You can't always get what you want

But if you try sometimes, well, you might find

You get what you need.

Well, we WANTED to go paddling on Nauset Marsh, here on Cape Cod.  We drove down to the Eastham Town Dirt Boat Ramp on Hemenway Road, and all we saw was wind and rain, which popped up as we drove to the kayak launch.

Maybe another plan is in order.  We regrouped.

Back at our campground, there was very little rain -- in fact, just a very light mist.  We took a walk up a powerline easement and Kathy, with her blueberry radar, spotted a cluster of blueberry bushes that actually had ripe blueberries!  We also saw lots of low cranberry bushes.  There were probably lots more in the area, because our walk was adjacent to Mother's Bog Conservation Area.  

But we digress.  Back to the blueberries.  Here's an action photo of the blueberry gathering:

No blueberry left behind:

Not long after that, we returned to the RV, and Kathy whipped up some scrumptious blueberry pancakes:

When served with Huckleberry Jam, these were unforgettable.  I'm sorry we have none to share, but we ate them all.

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