Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Camp Sharktooth Redux!

On June 14, 2021, we hosted our grandson William at Bull Run Regional Park.  It was a return to Camp Sharktooth!  After William finished his online classwork, he and Kathy chalked out our camp logo on the campground road by our RV:

This was, however, only the beginning of the hijinx.  At 11am, we walked over to Atlantis Waterpark, which is in Bull Run Regional Park where our campground is located, and started a 3 hour marathon of splashing fun in the sun.

One of the highlights of the waterpark is the two big waterslides - the yellow enclosed slide, and the open red slide.  We all agreed that we liked the red slide the best.

Here's how it looks to slide down the red waterslide!

We caught William as he shot out of the yellow slide into the pool below:

The second highlight of the waterpark is the Big Bucket that fills with water and, when it is full, tips over and dumps a torrent of water on the people below.

Click this link to see how Kathy and William took the Big Bucket Challenge and survived!

The waterpark also has a huge swimming pool.  William jumped in to cool off from the hot sun --

-- and promptly ducked under water to show off his aquatic skills:

He challenged David to a race across the pool.  It appeared that David won, but both boys missed the finish line by curving off to the left.  They only realized they had gotten off track when they reached the side wall of the pool.

William won the energy competition, however, outlasting both of us in his enjoyment of the water.  Below, William demonstrates the proper method of enjoying one of the many waterslides in the park:

No session of Camp Sharktooth is complete without a session of playing with Ruby Kitten.  From this photo you would think they were the best of friends.  Well, they are, but the relationship is complex.  Sometimes William traps Ruby and makes her find her way out of blanket mazes.  It is unclear whether Ruby likes this or simply endures it.

We ended the day by driving back to William's home, where his mom made us a fabulous Chinese dinner!  As we left to return to our RV, we agreed with William that we would all see each other again in a few days.

Yay, Camp Sharktooth!

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