Saturday, February 1, 2020

Fun With Dick and Gaila in Deming, AZ

Hi Blog!

As we travel around the country, it is always fun to run into our RV friends. On Tuesday, January 29, 2020, Dick and Gaila Mallery tracked us down in New Mexico. If it wasn't for our friends, George and Nan Finlayson, we never would have met these intrepid RVers. It was hard to believe that it had been 15 months since we mooch camped in their driveway in Michigan. Time flies when you are having fun.

When we found out that Dick and Gaila would be in Deming while we were in Faywood, we invited them over to Faywood Hot Springs for a soak. But before they could partake in the healing waters, we marched them around City of Rocks State Park, which is just a few miles away.

Nothing says hiking like a trailhead selfie:

The Chihuahuan Desert is sparser and has a more wide-open feel than some deserts.  Cactus are fewer and further between.We had a beautiful, blue sky day for our hike.


Dick is no stranger to hiking. He has hiked all the long trails - Pacific Crest, Arizona, Continental Divide, Appalachian and many others. Gaila is also an avid hiker, but prefers more moderate hikes.

The flat desert trail soon gave way to more rocky terrain as we enter the "city of rocks" from which the park gets its name.

The rocks were formed from tuff (solidified volcanic ash) laid down millions of years ago.  The soil around the tuff eroded, leaving large formations, which split due to heat and ice.  In turn, the sections of rock that had split were further separated from each other and rounded by erosion. We soon found ourselves surrounded by large boulders.

See Dick and Dave. See Dave take a photo.

See Gaila and Kathy. See Kathy take a photo.

See cool rocks.

After finishing our hike, it was time to soak.

After our soak, it was time to get happy back at our rig. With the smoked salmon chowder simmering, Ruby did her best to entertain Auntie Gaila and Uncle Dick.

After chowing down on chowder, we finished our dinner with a few peanut butter Girl Scout cookies. Yes, you can even find Girl Scouts in the back of the beyond. Before long, it was time to bid our friends good night. Before leaving, we made plans to meet them Thursday night in Deming for dinner and a movie.

Looking forward to more good times!

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