Monday, June 3, 2019

Liard Hot Springs Redux

Hi Blog!

On Friday, May 31, 2019, we left Summit Lake behind and worked our way over to Liard Hot Springs. We had loads of fun spotting wildlife along the road. We ended up seeing three black bears, one grizzly bear and a moose. We did manage to get a photo of this stone sheep.

We also found several different herds of bison. Here’s a nice shot of one group.

We particularly liked watching the baby bison as they romped and played.

It didn’t take us long to reach the Liard River Hot Springs Resort. As we filled the motorhome with gas, we saw this big guy lounging next to the entrance to the resort. 

No trip along the Alaska Highway would be complete without a stop at Liard Hot Springs Provincial Park. It is home to the largest natural hot springs in Canada. It is a natural river of hot water rather than a spring fed pool. We visited here in 2016, and couldn't wait to get back. As soon as we arrived, we donned our swimming togs and trekked over to the park.

A long boardwalk protects the fragile environment. The first boardwalk and pool facilities were built by the United State Army in 1942.

The park contains a warm water swamp and boreal forest which supports all kinds of wildlife. RV friends have seen moose and bear along the boardwalk. It was late in the day when we arrived and we didn’t see any forest animals. However, that doesn’t mean we didn’t see any wildlife.

The swimming area was teeming with campers both young and old. The first pool is the hottest. The hot water comes in from the right and exits to the left into the second pool.

Sitting on the waterfall between the two pools is a favorite activity.

We bumped into our Maine friends from Summit Lake, Rob and Debbie, who were also enjoying a good soak. We chatted until our fingers were wrinkled with cage (a technical term used exclusively by dermatologists)! On the way back to camp, our neighbors warned us that the campground lawn was being mowed by some locals.

We spent Happy Hour watching the lawn mowers work their way around camp. By evening, rain had moved in. In the morning, it was still drizzling. That didn't stop us from enjoying another soak. Unfortunately, we have no photos, but take our word for it, soaking in a shower is cool!

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