Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Magical Myanmar 2018

We had so much fun just hanging out with family in Yangon.  It's hard to summarize it all in one blog.  So we decided to give you a general idea of our days playing with Sir William and his parents and friends, and then do special blogs on trips and tours.

We arrived in Yangon late on December 18, 2018, and flew home on January 5, 2019 -- over 18 days of fun and frolic!

When we got to the kids' home in the American Club in Yangon, we were greeted by these wonderful works of art!  No wonder we fell asleep with dreams of our grandson dancing in our head.

William wasted no time putting NaiNai to work.  He thought that they should compose a "red chair" photo to be added to Kathy's Facebook "Red Chair" album:

William's talent and patience for puzzles is remarkable.  We all joined in on this jigsaw puzzle fun, and William thought it would be a good idea to show off the results:

He loves Legos, and it turns out that one of the highest-rated toys for STEM education for his age group is a Lego robot that a child can build and then program by coding with a special app on an iPad.  Here, Dad consults with William about the proper programming to make his robot car move along a designated path:

There was lots of lounging and gabbing.

Mom and William both take swimming lessons on Sunday morning.  Each Sunday, we walked over with them to watch them show off their natatorial skills:

William still likes building blanket forts.  He and NaiNai are somewhere in there:

One of the best parts of our visits are the numerous parties and happy hours the residents of the American Club have among their families.  There are lots of kids and games.  The guys all show off their BBQ and smoking skills.  Here, Matt is checking out his smoked chickens and ribs:

Meanwhile, at the dinner party, the son of one couple that are friends of Matt and Weina caught this whopper just using a dipnet in Inyo Lake, along the shoreline at the American Club! 

GuGu Katie brought along a special Dickens Christmas kit, complete with poppers and hats.  Matt and Weina tried their party hats on --

-- and so did William and Katie!

Later in the visit, Matt's Mom, Joan, and Aunt Janet, joined us. After a shopping trip to the Spirits shopping mall downtown in Yangon, we all stopped for a scrumptious lunch of traditional Myanmar cuisine:

Matt and Weina do not decorate heavily for Christmas, but their tree is gorgeous, and the walls of the dining and living rooms are graced with beautiful decorations.  Here, late on Christmas Eve, before William worked his special magic on the presents, the Christmas tree glowed with anticipation:

One of the ornaments on the tree, handmade by William, says it all:

God bless us, every one.

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