Saturday, May 12, 2018

Au Fin de Gaspé

Hi Blog!

We don't usually blog on move days. It's usually just a drive from one place to the next so we can get out and explore. However, today's drive was probably the most dramatic drive we've ever taken.

On Saturday, May 12, 2018, we left Camping Ancre Jaune in Sainte-Anne-des-Monts and headed east toward the end of the Gaspe. We followed Highway 132 as it meandered it's way along the north coast. To call it a roller coaster ride would be an understatement.

The small towns along the Saint Lawrence are tucked into small bays. Each bay is separated by towering ridges. The average grade down to the next bay was 10 to 13 percent. Our steepest grade was 17 percent! That said, no grade was longer than a kilometer. We are really proud of the way Buster performed today.

We managed to snap a few photos of some of the lighthouses we passed along the way. At one point the road headed inland away from the Saint Lawrence. We passed a number of frozen mountain lakes and even managed to scare another moose. Here is a short video of his/her hasty retreat:

We are all settled in at Camping Phare du Perce. We have an amazing view of Pierced Rock. Looking forward to exploring the end of the Gaspe.

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