Monday, January 29, 2018

Bayous and Buzzards

Hi Blog!

On Monday, January 19, 2018, we had no scheduled activities until Happy Hour at 4:30. After getting some chores done, we decided to explore the canoe trail at Palmetto Island State Park. Yesterday, we rode our bikes over to the park to scout out launch sites. When we arrived today, we parked and launched our kayaks in Evangeline Pond.

After exploring Evangeline, we followed a narrow channel which led us to Eagle Pond. Eagle Pond is the main boat launch. The park also rents kayaks.

After circling Eagle Pond, we followed the channel toward Lake LaFleur.

The channel was lined with old trees in which the black vultures loved to roost. However, when we approached, the 20 birds that perched in this tree took flight. Only one brace soul remained in our photo.

We had better luck with the turtles. This log had four turtles sunning themselves.

This little guy seems to be doing some sort of leg extension. Is this a plank or downward turtle?

The further we paddled into the bayou, the less the wind affected the water. In some parts, the water was as still as a pane of glass. We loved the reflections.

When we reached Lake LaFleur, we decided to continue first to the Vermilion River, and then explore the lake on our return trip.

As we wound our way toward the river, our channel became more narrow with a number of tree falls to negotiate. See Dave duck. Duck, Dave Duck!

This is why we kayak!

With the recent rains, we decided not to challenge the Vermilion River. At a small waterfall just before the river, we turned our kayaks around and headed back. Happy Hour was calling.

Tomorrow, our RV Park heads to the Orphan Train Museum. Can you smell another blog?

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