Thursday, May 12, 2016

Ten Mile Lake Provincial Park

Hi Blog!

Today is Thursday, May 12, 2016. We are enjoying our time on Dragon Lake in Quesnel, BC. We plan to go fishing later this afternoon. This will be the first time we've ever rented a boat to go fly fishing. We did go float fishing once, but we had a guide, so that doesn't count. Since we'll be sitting in a boat all afternoon, we wanted to get out on a hike this morning to stretch our legs. Ten Mile Lake Provincial Park is nearby and they have miles of trails. Here's Kathy at the trailhead for the Beaver Pond Trail.

While the Beaver Pond trail is a short trail, it connects with a large loop trail. Here is Dave at the other end of the bridge over the outflow of the beaver pond.

We had to watch where we walked so as not to disturb the local residents, such as this cute little tree frog.

Here is our first look at the beaver pond.

Last year's cattails are going to seed.

We love the way the trees are reflected in the still water.

We continued our hike along forest roads which are used as cross-country ski trails in the winter. The trail is covered with bark mulch which provides the perfect habitat for our little mushroom buddies.

There is a post and rail fence along the park border which shows signs of a recent forest fire in this area.

As we began the return loop, we come upon our second beaver pond. A large gold eagle was circling the pond, but try as we might, we could not catch a photo of it.

We had to satisfy ourselves with more mushrooms!

Our third beaver pond was right next to the shore of Ten Mile Lake.

The water was so still and dark.

We finally reached the shores of Ten Mile Lake.

After taking in this panoramic view, it was time to head back to camp so we could start our fishing expedition. More on that in the next blog!

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