Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Fishing Kluachon Lake

Hi Blog!

Sunday, May 22, 2016, was our first full day at Mountain Shadow RV Resort. Our first order of business was to take a coffee walk down to the banks of Kluachon Lake.

We spent a few minutes drinking in the view. However, once we saw all the fishies splashing around, we knew we had to hurry back with our fly rods.

After a quick breakfast, we packed a lunch, grabbed our fishing gear and went straight back to the lake. The sun had just reached the lake and the fish were jumping - chasing emergers right out of the water.

We were all geared up and eager to fish.  In this photo, Mt. Poelzer stands ready to watch over us.

It took a while to find just the right spot, just the right fly and just the right technique.

Before long, we were reeling them in and letting them go!

They sure do put up a fight! It's fun to watch them leap and twirl. This guy was doing backflips.

We had so much fun fishing on Sunday, we got up and did it again Monday morning.

We finally feel we got our money's worth from our BC fishing license. Here fishy, fishy, fishy.....

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