Monday, January 11, 2016

Katie Cross-Country Road Trip!

On December 27, 2015, after a merry holiday, we packed up all our belongings from the Locust Street townhouse and hit the road -- Matt, Weina and William to Delaware for a day or two; and Katie, Kathy, David and Maggie Puppy in Katie's car to start a manic road trip South and West toward California!

You remember the week between Christmas and New Years.  It was when storm after storm rumbled across the nation.  We caught every one of them as we headed south:

That didn't dampen our spirits, however, sardines that we were in a packed car (look closely and you'll see Kathy buried in luggage in the wayback):

Each day had stops for Maggie Puppy (and the humans) to stretch legs.  One notable stop was Holmes County State Park, just off Interstate 55 in Mississippi on our way to Hammond, Louisiana.

Maggie loved the path around one of the lakes, and a bridge over the other lake:

Another bridge was flooded:

What scenic view is complete without a selfie?

Speaking of selfies, Katie got right in the "spirit" of things at the Makers Mark Distillery in Kentucky, getting up close and personal with some yeasty friends:

Another highlight of our trip was New Years in New Orleans.  Our own celebration was quite moderate:  We watched a movie only to realize that the ball was dropping in New York City before we could tune over to watch Anderson Cooper narrating it.  Oh, well.  But with the time difference, we did tuck into bed by 11:15.

Our stay in New Orleans featured one cemetery (Lafayette Cemetery No. 1), and two very long walks -- one through the French Quarter and one into the Garden District.  Although the weather was cloudy and often rainy, we had a very healthy New Year:

One more day's drive and Katie dropped us off in Austin to catch a flight on to Phoenix where we picked up our rig.  We celebrated our return to our home with gusto!

We won't bore you with the 10 days of logistics we worked through, but pay attention:  you should see blog entries on the Superstition Mountains and Quartzsite in the next days.

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