Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Our New Friends, Mikhail and His Young Lady

We met a new friend this evening.  His name is Mickhail and he is a collie who is owned by the grandmother of the young lady who was walking him.  They stopped to chat with us and we really enjoyed our conversation.  We talked a great deal about Harry Potter - particularly the books - and how Professor Snape really has received unfair treatment from everyone who thinks he wants to hurt Harry.  Mikhail's young lady gave us some great ideas about places to see.  We found out that all of us had been to some great sites in the Thunder Bay area, including the Panorama Amethyst Mine!  We found out that maybe the young lady will visit her grandparents some winter in Palm Springs.  If it happens we are passing that way, maybe we will see Mikhail and her again.  Our very best to Mikhail and his owner and her grand-daughter!

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