Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Eddie & George Wake Up in Sturgeon Falls, Ontario

Eddie and George were the first ones out on July 21 to explore our new campground.  They immediately made friends with one of the locals.  While they tried hard to communicate, he only spoke Smurfish and they were never quite sure what he was trying to explain to them.

Never mind, it was easy to find their way around this campground.  They immediately spotted a colorful wishing well and checked to see if it still drew water:

A bright yellow-and-white bridge spanned the campground marina near our campsite, so the boys paused to take in the marina view from the far side of the bridge:

Toward the bottom of the marina, it empties into the Sturgeon River, and, to the boys' delight, there was a dock with a sliding board.  They eagerly climbed the stairs and then dared each other to go first to slide down and find out how cold the river water was:

They wandered back to the RV and spent all of breakfast raving to us about all of the interesting adventures there were to be had here.

We can't wait to get started!

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