Thursday, May 28, 2015

Letter to William

Dear William,

Every morning, we go on a walk.  Today, we walked over to the pond behind our RV park.  Do you remember that we walked there before and saw a family of geese?  We saw them again this morning.  The babies are getting big!

"Why did the geese cross the road?"  To get to the other side!

We also saw on our walk a really, really, really big snapping turtle.  Snapping turtles have very strong jaws.  If they bite you, they could snap your finger right off!  Stay away from snapping turtles!

We puppy-sat Mackie again today.  We took him for a walk to visit some of our neighbors.  Here, Mackie says "hi" to Andy:

Andy is very old.  Do you like the way Andy smiles when you take his picture?

We know you are very good at smiling in your pictures.  Make sure Mommy and Daddy send Ye Ye and Nai Nai lots of pictures!

See you on Skype!


Nai Nai
Ye Ye

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