Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Visit to Sir William of Toronto!

April 24 was Grandparents Day at Sir William's school, so of course we couldn't be held back from making the car trip up to Toronto from the Lancaster, PA area.

Fully burned out from the road, we helped Weina pick William up at school, then enjoyed some quiet time with him, playing blocks, cars, trains and whatnot.

Grandparents Day was very uproarious!  Imagine two grandparents per school child, and perhaps 12 students.  As a result 36 big and little people were squeezed into a Little People Schoolroom.

All took it in stride and with grand spirits.  William showed us several work projects he likes.  Here, he's helping Kathy spell his name in cursive letters:

One of his all-time favorite projects is to screw and unscrew machine bolts from a board, using a William-sized screwdriver.  He demonstrated this with perfection - but let Ye Ye (David) finish off each bolt:

We returned to school at the end of the day without Mama, and walked back with William from the streetcar that brought us home.  Kathy spotted a groundhog and William was fascinated with it:

On Saturday, William had a haircut, and then he, Daddy, Mama, Nai Nai (Kathy) and Ye Ye headed for a HUGE playground in nearby High Park to soak up the sun and watch other people big and small.  Here, Nai Nai and William demonstrate the proper way to do a dual truck tire tango:

Sunday, William had his weekly swimming lesson.  Afterward, we all played in the nearby park. Here, Nai Nai is getting some pointers from William on the finer points of mountain building:

William has become really independent on the teeter-totters.  Here, Daddy is capturing the moment:

This is probably one of the reasons William likes the teeter-totters:  they're FUN!

So much fun that Mama and Daddy took over the whole apparatus:

Back at the apartment, we looked out at a HUGE, building crowd of people, with lots of orange turbans.  Matt told us that it was the 30th annual Toronto Sikh Khalsa Day parade.  It commemorates the founding of the Sikh religion in 1699.   More than 85,000 people turned out for the 30th annual Khalsa Day celebration, a commemoration of Vaisakhi, the Sikh New Year, in Toronto on April 26, 2015.  It looked like we could see all 85,000 of them from the apartment's picture windows:

Later on Sunday, Nai Nai and William were inspired to build the biggest Thomas the Train railroad track layout ever!

Meanwhile, Mama and Daddy prepared a spectacular Chinese repast for us.  Here the food is being plated:

These visits are always too short.  Monday morning, we had to say our goodbyes to Little William. We were all furklempt, but none more than William.  Even little Bubu the puppy was sad to see us go.  We can't wait to see them again later in the year!

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