Friday, December 12, 2014

Found a Kitten...

[Sung to the tune of "Found a Peanut"]

Baxter's bored,
Baxter's bored.
Baxter's bored just now,
Just now, Baxter's bored,
Baxter's bored just now.

He pounced on Flip,
He pounced on Flip,
Flip is screaming right now,
Right now he pounced on Flip,
He pounced on Flip right now.

David yelled at him,
David yelled at him,
David yelled at him right now,
Right now he made his escape,
He made his escape right now.

We found a kitten,
We found a kitten,
We found a kitten years ago.
Years ago, Katie named him,
Named him Baxter years ago.

He's a biter,
He's a biter,
He's a biter just now,
Just now he's nibbling Kathy,
Nibbling Kathy just now.

Stole her earplug,
Stole her earplug,
Just now he stole her earplug,
David yelled at him just now.

Baxter's bored,
Baxter's bored.
Baxter's bored just now,
Just now, Baxter's bored,
Baxter's bored just now.

[Repeat the above verses indefinitely...]

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