Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Eddie and George Wake Up in Ivy Lea

Eddie:  Where are we?

George:  Ivy Lea

Eddie:  Are we in college?

George:  No, not Ivy League - Ivy Lea - a small community on the Canadian side of the St. Lawrence River in the Thousand Islands Area.

Eddie:  Cool.  If we are back on the St. Lawrence, does that mean another boat ride?

George:  YES!

Here is the boat the boys picked for their wake up shot.  Engage!

After the photo op, we took a tour of Pecks Marina and got some information on kayak rentals.

However the boys were more interested in renting one of these.

It took a while, but we finally found a boat we could all agree was really cool - and that Eddie and George could afford.

We walked back over to the campground and discovered a hidden pond. Does anyone else see the giant nose?

We really like this rustic cabin.  The trees are growing right out the roof.  With a little love it could be the perfect summer retreat.

Gotta run.  Eddie and George are in a hurry to start the happy hour scrabble game.  Results will be posted in the next blog.

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