Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Mount Baxter and Other Oddities

Hanging around an RV campground, you can see the oddest things.

For example, out of nowhere a group of people passed by on a hayride.

This irked the campers in our area, who fought back against the interlopers.  Note the fellow, our dear friend Francois, in the background with the bucket, getting ready to hurl French Canadian epithets at the intruders:

But, normally, campgrounds are peaceful.  Here's a bucolic view of our campground in Mallorytown, from the adjoining meadow:

The meadows, however, are full of dangerous wildlife.  Today, as we explored the fringes of the campground, we surprised a giant frog, who almost charged us:

However, Baxter the cat is well aware of the dangers that lurk out there just beyond our campsite.  Here he is, beyond the boulder field, patrolling for rogue frogs, birds and chipmunks:

He has been quite successful protecting the campground - to the extent that the campground owners have named a hill near our rig as "Mount Baxter."  Baxter the cat is seen here surveying his eponymous domain:

Like we say, you never can tell what will be found in an RV campground.  Baxter reminds us of this every day.

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