Sunday, June 22, 2014

Eddie & George Wake Up in Mallorytown, Ontario

Dear Readers, as you know, Eddie and George usually "wake up" when we arrive at a new campground. However, when we checked into the KOA in Mallorytown, Ontario, we were given a list of activities. Saturday night was Susan's Family Bingo.  It has been a while since we've been in a campground that held bingo games. We'll have to go check it out.  Now, Eddie and George have heard all our bingo stories, but have never actually played. We felt it was high time to expand their horizons. Here we are getting set up.  Since this was their first time, Eddie and George each only bought one card.

Now this was not your ordinary run-of-the-mill garden variety bingo.  Oh, no. This was sit down, stand up, turn around, stomp up and down bingo. Did I mention there was a lot of ducking going on. Apparently, the owner, Susan, likes to ask questions of the players before each game. If you get the answer correct, she throws a quarter at you.  Literally, chucks it across the room. Her aim is terrible, which leads to a lot of ducking under the tables.

We played 11 games, not one of them was classic bingo.  We made the letters - T, L, X, the number 7, outside box and inside box and coverall. The next to the last game was dragging on and on and no one was winning. It wasn't until almost all the balls were called that someone realized there were no "N" numbers called. That's because Susan stuffed all the Ns in her pocket before the game and no one noticed. Did I mention the winner of the coverall at the end of the night had to sing a song before collecting the winnings.

Dave got two quarters, while Kathy only got one.  However, Kathy did win one of the bingo games and pocked $5.50, less the .50 for a tip to two really cute kids helping draw the balls. Eddie and George enjoyed their outing and hope to get out more.

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