Tuesday, May 6, 2014

So Long to the Brandywine Valley!

It had to come, finally, at the end, no matter how hard we focused on keeping it alive.  Here it is.  Our last day in the Brandywine Valley for perhaps a year or more.

We invited Katie, Matt, Weina, Little William and the grandpuppies over for a play day at our campground.  William said "Si!" immediately.

He led off the fun.  He found a model truck and fifth wheel we keep as a decoration and made them his very own.

Then he showed us the top six ways to use a playground in ways it's never been used before:

NUMBER SIX:  Give a toy truck a ride on the playground hobbledy horse.

NUMBER FIVE: Go down the slide backwards.

NUMBER FOUR:  Make a big mountain out of the stones in the playground, using Nai Nai as your stone hauler.

NUMBER THREE:  Drop LOTS of stones on a slide and then slide down REALLY FAST and send the stones flying (this only scores points if you scare the wits out of Nai Nai).


NUMBER TWO:  Make Nai Nai slide down the slide.

...and the NUMBER ONE way to use a playground creatively?  Make Gu Gu slide down the slide!  This only scores points if Gu Gu has to plow her way through stones at the bottom.

The William Show continued at the Four Dogs Tavern in Marshalton, where we went for lunch.  Here he is, demonstrating the Continental way to eat their very special and tasty mushroom soup by dipping big, soft pieces of bread in it, before stuffing the bread-soup combination into his mouth:

After lunch, William and the grandpuppies took Ma Ma, Ba Ba and Gu Gu home for naps all around.  Probably the grandpuppies napped too.  Ye Ye and Nai Nai decided to sit out and enjoy an absolutely spectacular sunny, calm Spring day, make a campfire, and grill Irish sausage and asparagus over the fire.  Here, Nai Nai is demonstrating her championship grilling form:

Great White had his big day too.  While we were playing, he drove over to Stargazer Vineyards and surprised us with a gift of a case of the winery's best dry red wines:

Thank you, Great White, that's very nice of you.

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