Sunday, February 23, 2014

There's More to a Run Than Running

Today we stretched our run to 1 mile, working our way toward the Broad Street Run in early May. The morning was thick with heavy fog but warm enough for shorts and t-shirts.

We discovered, however, that there's more to a run than running.  As we walked over to the beach, a woman taking photos pointed out a great blue heron, just hanging out on the road beside our RV park. Somehow, the colors in this bird were perfectly matched by the muted colors of the foggy day:

We were almost to the beach when Kathy encountered this little clawed friend on the sand.  He started scuttling away, but not before we digitally captured him:

Motor vehicles are allowed on the beach at certain official beach access points.  The areas where parking vehicles is permitted are delineated by tall wooden poles which prevent the autos from venturing out beyond the parking area.  We like to start our runs at these poles, cruising out and back, turning around at the halfway point.  This way, we know just when we've reached our mileage.

So here we are, preparing to start the run.  The poles are ahead of us, and so is a lone fisherman with his chair.  When we caught this photo of him, he was seining the shallow waters for bait fish.  But he looked more like a spirit in the mists:

All this, and we hadn't even started our run yet.  One of the pleasures of going out for runs when you RV is the prospect of always encountering new places, new people, new critters, and other unexpected things.  Not always the same-old-same-old.

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