Monday, December 16, 2013

Hola! Me Llamo William!

Hello!  My name is William.  I am helping my YeYe and NaiNai with their first blog post from Ecuador.  I live here with my MaMa and BaBa and our dog, BuBu.  Here NaiNai is showing me how to upload the photos we took this weekend.

YeYe and NaiNai live in an RV and drive all over the United States.  On Friday, December 13th, they flew from Phoenix to Miami before coming down to see us in Guayaquil.  They got here real late, so I didn't get to see them until I woke up on Saturday.  While I see them on Skype all the time, they seem so much bigger in person.  Here YeYe is reading to me from my favorite book.  I know how to read, but it makes YeYe happy to read to me, so I let him.

It is so much fun to have them here with me.  I had to show NaiNai how to color.

While I am helping NaiNai, BuBu keeps YeYe busy.  That's MaMa in the background, doing some important stuff on her laptop.

Baba played golf on Saturday.  We met him at the country club and got to go for a swim.  No pictures from the pool.  The smartphone is not waterproof.

On Sunday, we all got up and had a big breakfast and went to the park.  I was so tired from playing all day with YeYe and NaiNai that I fell asleep before we got there.  MaMa pushed me in the stroller while BaBa took YeYe and NaiNai down to see the Guayas River, the third largest river in South America.  The airport is right across from the park and you can watch the big planes come in for a landing.  I was asleep, so I missed it.

I don't know about you, but I believe in magic.  One minute I was in the car seat, and the next I was in the historic park.  My favorite part of the park is where the little animals live.  I saw baby bunnies, guinea pigs, turtle and little ducklings.  Here I am in the tree house with my Baba and YeYe.

Walking around the park makes me hungry.  MaMa and BaBa wanted to take YeYe and NaiNai to a famous Ecuadorean restaurant, Lo Nuestro.  We tried lots of good dishes.  NaiNai had empanada (with crab) and YeYe had llapingachos (sausage, egg and peanut patties).  MaMa and BaBa made me eat my shrimp and potato soup before I could eat my cheesecake.  Sometimes, life is not fair.  After lunch, we stopped to say "Hola!" to Santa Claus.

The rest of Sunday, we just hung around the house.  I got to show YeYe and NaiNai all of my toys.  We read lots of books.  MaMa made a little dinner for us.  I was too tired to stay awake very long.  We all went to bed early.  

This morning, BaBa went to work and MaMa took me to school.  A school van picks us up.  MaMa rides with me to school and then the van brings her home.  She picks me up in the van at midday.  The van comes everyday.

I will be back from school in time for lunch.  See you then.




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