Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Clyde Tells It All!

Hi Folks.  My name is Clyde.  I live at the Wilderness Lakes RV Resort in Menifee, California.  It is my job to look after new arrivals and make sure they feel right at home.  When Karen and Connie moved in on Monday, December 2nd, I knew right away that I would like them.  They seem like fun folks.

It didn't take them long to get settled.  They put out their new camping carpet and picnic table covers.  I heard them discussing the fact that company was coming on Tuesday.  They spent the day spiffing up their rig and cooking up a storm.

On Tuesday, December 3rd, I got the chance to meet their friends, Dave and Kathy.  They seemed like nice folks, even though they talked funny.  I tried to explain to them that I like to fish in water - not "wudder," but they didn't get it.

Soon after Dave and Kathy's arrival, we took a walk around the campground.  This built up a powerful thirst and the urge for some munchies.  With wine glasses in hand, they proceeded to share their snacks with me.  I did not like ritz crackers or those funny wheat things.  However, Connie brought out some great french bread - now you're talking!

After snacks, it was time for a swim.  I though they would join me in the canal that runs behind Karen and Connie's RV, but instead the humans went for a soak in a tub full of swirling and bubbling hot water.  No hot water for me, man.  That is too close to being made into soup!

By the time the humans were done soaking, it was getting dark.  I had to get home before the mrs. started missing me.  I heard the next day that Connie and Karen had a great time with Dave and Kathy and are looking forward to visiting them at their RV park.  Hey, if it is not too far to fly, I think I'll join them.

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