Sunday, November 10, 2013

EpiBlog - Iron Butterfly

OH MY GOD!  We come back to the campground and there's live music scheduled for 6pm.  We take our camp chairs and wine, and we sit down, and this group goes through a long sound check and then they start playing.  They do a lot of cool 60's and 70's stuff like "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay," "Turn the Page," "Margaritaville," "Rolling on the River," and many more.

BUT - We learned after the first set that this group is called, "Iron Butterfly."

Wait.  THE Iron Butterfly?


So I go up to the lead singer-keyboardist.  They're very good and I thank him.  And he says, "Just wait, we'll do OUR stuff at 8pm."  Okay, I thought, maybe they are the real Iron Butterfly.

I go into the campground office.  I ask:  "Are they the REAL Iron Butterfly?"

"Yes.  They play here often."

Wow.  OK, so, finally, at 9pm, they do this amazing version of "In-a-Gadda-Da-Vita" ("In the Garden of Eden"), with an impossible, rocking drum solo:

Iron Butterfly - In-a-Gadda-Da-Vita 2013

And just in case you don't believe us, here's an original performance of the same thing:

Early Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vita

These were the real guys, and they graced us with 4 hours of the absolute best blues and R&B and rock and electric rock and acid rock.

Out of nowhere.


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