Saturday, November 9, 2013

Christmas Comes Early!

Hi-Ho, Ho, Ho! Christmas came early to the Ventura RV Resort.  Dave's sister, Leslie, told us she was sending us a little something.  Wow, did we get a big surprise.  She made us an RV-themed quilt.

The fabric on the back shows rows and rows of cars pulling little trailers.  How cute is that!

The patchwork on the front of the quilt includes a number of RV, outdoor and fishing themes.

It is really hard to pick our favorite because they are all great.  We love all the colors and patterns.  Not to mention it will keep us snuggly and warm in the chilly weather.

Here are the RVs surrounded by little owls.

Kathy's personal favorite has to be the marshmallow and chocolate!  Can you say s'more please!

Here are the fishies!

Here are some more owls.

Thank you Leslie for such a wonder gift.  If you want to see more of these wonderful quilt creations by our sister, you need to join Instagram.  Her quilty things hang out there!

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