Saturday, September 14, 2013

Kayaking Diamond Lake

Hi Blog.  On Saturday, September 14th, we decided we needed a little R&R to recover from our epic adventure of climbing Wizard Island yesterday.  We spent the morning bibbling around camp.  After lunch, we decided to head over to Diamond Lake Resort and rent a couple of kayak.  We gave Great White the day off and jumped on our bikes for a three mile pedal to the resort. Here we are just leaving the docks.

We paddled along the North Shore of the lake saying hello to all the bikers on the bike path that circles the lake.  Here is Dave with Mt. Thielsen in the background.

We ran into a family of ducks which began racing us down the coast line.  Just as we passed them, they turned around and went the other way - go figure.

If you look closely, you can see a bird house on the tree.  The resort, in partnership with the National Forest Service, is working to keep Diamond Lake a healthy environment for birds, fish and other critters.  They say there are even a few beaver lodges on the lake, but we haven't seen them yet.

We only had the kayaks for an hour and, try as we might, we couldn't make it all the way across the lake and back again.  We hit our turn-a-round time and booked it back to the dock to avoid a late fee. However, the view back was spectacular with Mt. Thielsen looming over us.

We are planning a trip back to Crater Lake tomorrow to take a scenic trolley tour.  Stay turned.

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