Thursday, August 15, 2013

Our Last Day in Dillon

Hi Blog.  Tuesday, August 12, 2013 was our last full day in Dillon.  We started it off with a little fishing trip to the Beaverhead River.  We went back to the same spot we tried the other night because we saw fish rising.  Here is Dave sending his line out to see if he could entice a fishy with his fly.

Try as we might, we just couldn't land one.  However, as one of the drift boats came by, we watched an elderly woman hook and land an 18 inch big fat brown trout right in front of us.  Sigh.  All in all, we had a great time fishing in Montana and hope to do so again in the future.

Back at camp, it was time to do some pre-trip chores.  After dinner, Dave worked on emptying the tanks.

It's been a few days since we've seen the sunset.  Each night, we had passing thunderstorms. This night showed promise of being a good show.

Chuck and Great White were in perfect position to watch the light show.

The color just keeps getting better and better.

Not sure which of these pictures I like the best.

We ended up talking with two other couples who came down to our end of camp to watch the show.  After it got too dark to see, we bid them safe travels and headed off to bed.

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