Sunday, June 9, 2013

You Know You're in Wyoming When...

1. The Safeway parking lot has lots of ATV's parked in it:

2. The locals are more upset about the wolves than President Obama, but they're still pretty upset about President Obama.

3. Everyone you meet works for FMC or the BLM.

4. Any two random strangers who run into each other discover they met before when they were off-roading or dirt biking.

5. Everyone knows what NOLS stands for.

6. You ask whether it snowed much last winter, and the answer is, "Not much, just 112 inches."

7. They all like your t-shirt with the logo, "Beer me up, Scotty!"

8. Everyone you meet owns an RV.

9. Every family has more dogs than children - and the dogs are the better behaved.

10. Everyone is related to Jim Bridger or Chief Washakie.

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