Monday, June 10, 2013

Popo Agie Falls

Hi Blog.  We decided to further explore the Sinks Canyon in the Wind River Mountains.  This time, we drove through the state park and into the Shoshone National Forest and hiked in the Popo Agie Wilderness.

We parked at the Sinks Canyon Campground and hit the trail heading up into the canyon toward the Popo Agie Falls.  Soon after we got on the trail, we passed the University of Missouri Geology Camp.  Every summer since 1911, the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Missouri has run a geology field camp at this site.

As we hiked next to the river, our trail took us through several alpine valleys.  Here we approach a warming hut used in the winter by the cross-country ski enthusiasts.

In order to continue our trek up into the canyon, we had to cross the river.  We didn't know it when we took this photo, but we would soon pass that big rock outcropping in the center of the photo.

We hike away from the river, as it cuts through a very deep gorge.

There's that outcrop, just before we pass it.  The sun is very strong at this altitude (approximately 7500 feet) so we try to find shade where we can to take our breaks.

The nice forestry service folks were kind enough to provide a bench right at the falls.  What a perfect spot for lunch.

Hey some people like to tip cows.  Dave likes to tip boulders.

Here is a shot of the falls from the overlook.  The river divides and comes tumbling down in numerous falls.  The falls are so massive, it is hard to get them all in the same photo.

As we trekked back to the truck, we couldn't help but to stop and dip our tootsies in the icy freezing cold frigid mountain stream.

Did I mention how cold the water was?  Here we had to lay out in the sun to thaw our piggies out.

Here's Dave venturing out onto a boulder in the middle of stream to get a better view of the valley.

If you look really hard down the trail, you can see Kathy way off in the distance waiting for Dave to catch up.

Try as we might, we couldn't find any big horn sheep or mountain lions sunning themselves on the rocks.

Kathy mentioned yesterday on Facebook, that we hadn't had rain in weeks.  Just as we reached the falls, this one lonely dark cloud decided to sprinkle on us.  I am not saying anything further about the weather ever again in life.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a great trail to hike... or even Jeep!


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