Friday, June 28, 2013

Lewis Lake Hike in South Yellowstone

Our campground was so conveniently located that we could choose whether to drive north a few miles into south Yellowstone, or drive south a few miles into the Tetons.  On June 14, we decided to take a day hike around Lewis Lake and up the Lewis Channel toward Shoshone Lake a ways.

Here's Kathy at the trailhead as we began the hike on a chilly morning:

The trail wound along the north shore of Lewis Lake, and along a streambed or two.  Here's David examining a stream:

The lake itself offered grand views of some of the Grand Teton Mountains in the distance to the south:

We event spotted an osprey nest, with one mate in the nest on the eggs, and the other just visible in this photo, perched on one of the dead trees to the right of the nest:

After completing the hike, as we drove back to our campground, we stopped at Lewis Falls, took a look at the Lewis River as it wound its way south to join the Snake River ---

--- and hiked in to Lewis Falls itself:

The country is beautiful.  Our nights were cool (down to 32F) and days warm (up to 68F).  We decided to try to put together a backpack to Shoshone Lake, north of Lewis Lake, once we do one in Yellowstone.

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