Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cycling Grassy Lake Road

On June 21, we took it a little slower and decided to take a bicycle ride along Grassy Lake Road, which follows the Snake River west from our campground at Flagg Ranch, into Grand Teton National Park.  We pedalled to Glade Creek Trailhead, where a trail leads out into the backcountry and the mountains.

Here's Kathy at the trailhead.  You can see large sections of the landscape behind her have burned, but young conifers are growing up to replace them:

This photo is the opposite direction and is of David with the large plain of the Snake and Lewis Rivers behind him.  Again note the remains of burned old growth and the new trees sprouting up in their stead:

Forest fires haven't burned a very large percentage of the area.  The vast majority of the river plain is decorated with older, stately fir trees.  Here's Kathy pedalling along the road through another meadow circled in firs:

We stopped a couple times to look at the Snake River.  Here David rests on the rocky beach with the Grand Tetons in the background to the south:

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