Saturday, April 13, 2013

Searching for Our Stupid Cat

Hi Blog!  We lost a whole day today because of our stupid cat.  Now for those of you who have never meet our cats, you may not know which one is stupid cat.  Our oldest cat is Luckie.  He is a 17 year old gray tiger who is afraid of his own shadow.  He is our scaredy cat.  Next comes Flip.  She is an 8 year old very sleek female black cat.  She is our nice cat.  Then comes Baxter.  He is a seven year old male very large (i.e., fat) black cat. He embodies all the reasons why black cats have such bad reputations.  He has been renamed stupid cat. Baxter knocks things over - stupid cat.  Baxter picks on Luckie - stupid cat.  Baxter disappears for nine hours - stupid cat.

It started early this morning when we noticed that Baxter was no where in the rig.  Dave had only just opened the storm door long enough to latch it back from blowing in the wind.  The door couldn't have been opened for more than a few seconds.  Did Baxter really run out the door that fast?  He must have.  We searched everywhere inside the rig, several times over.  He had to have gotten out.

After alerting the whole campground to be on the lookout for a very large black cat, after riding our bikes around and around the campground, after looking under all the rigs in the campground, we finally decided to just hunker down and wait it out. Sooner or later Baxter will show up, especially if he gets hungry.  So, we played a little mini-golf and then broke out the chuckluck board.  Kathy's heart was not really in it. Dave beat her at mini-golf and two rounds of chuckluck.

We decided that just sitting around waiting was no fun.  Let's go be proactive.  So, we went back inside and fired up the P.C.  Dave looked for pictures of Baxter for a "Lost Cat" poster and Kathy searched the web for animal shelters in the area.  Just as Dave was on the Home Again (the folks that manage the cat's microchips) website to report Baxter missing, our good cat came running down from the bedroom having been started by a strange noise.  First, Dave went to investigate and couldn't pinpoint where the noise was coming.  Then Kathy went up and checked under the bed.

Right where the red circle is in the photo, is were Baxter's hind paws were sticking out.  He somehow got himself under the bed and then crawled up under where the headboard is attached.  He was wedged in there so tightly that he couldn't get back out.  Dave had to reach in and grab his paws and pull.  We did mention he's a fat cat.  Kathy was about to run into the kitchen to get some oil, when the stupid cat finally popped out.

Baxter seems fine now that he ate, drank and used the littler box.  We on the other hand will need something a lot stronger than water to make us feel better after losing a whole day in search of our stupid cat.

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